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How to Install Haskell

Install the Haskell Stack


Make sure you have brew installed

Install the Haskell Stack

 	brew install haskell-stack

Upgrade to last version:

 	stack upgrade


To Install Stack For Windows

Check it

From the command line:

stack --version

Try your first project


From the command line:

  1. CD into the project directory: cd $PROJECTS/leng-prog/exercises/example
  2. Run stack build. It should compile OK.
  3. Run stack ghci. You should be able to execute the help, hello and obliqueShot functions.
  4. Run stack test. Tests should pass.

IDE Support

Install haskell Intellij plugin: (Preferences/Plugins/Marketplace) Search for Intellij-Haskell.

Open the example project:

Click Open and select the example directory:

In the import window select import from external model, haskell stack

Hit create

In the Project SKD pull down select Haskell tool Stack

If it is not there select Add Stack executable and add it.

Hit create

It should open the project.

Now you should be able to Edit and add configurations like:

To run the tests or the repl from inside Intellij

Try them !