class: center, middle, inverse ## Taller Programación 1 --- - Martes de 9hs a 11hs - Asistencia Obligatoria - 4 Trabajos Prácticos sin nota, pero que necesitan ser aprobados. - Es condicioón necesaria para aprobar la cursada tener los 4 trabajos prácticos del taller aprobados. --- ## Asking Questions --- ## The Process for code/technical related questions 1. Understand the code/situation to the best of your ability 2. Clearly describe the problem 3. Provide the code that illustrates the problem. 4. Make sure the code you’re sharing can reproduce the problem. 5. Format your code consistently. 6. Check yourself for typos. 7. Explain what you think the problem might be. 8. Proofread your question. 9. Send updates. --- ## 1. Understand the code to the best of your ability - Yes really, actually do this. - Go through line-by-line and figure out what each line does. - Google unfamiliar concepts. --- ## 2. Clearly describe the problem - Explain the context. - Explain the exact steps you took to produce the problem - Explain what you expected to happen - Explain what you actually see --- ## 3. Provide the code that illustrates the problem. - No blurry phone picture of your screen --- ## 4. Make sure the code you’re sharing can reproduce the problem. - Take the code you shared, and make sure it behaves exactly like you described. - If you share broken code that doesn’t replicate the problem, it will be impossible to help you. --- ## 5. Format your code consistently. - It doesn’t matter what style you use, just make sure that you’re consistent. This makes your code easier to read. --- ## 6. Check yourself for typos. - Read your code, and commands out loud. - Read - I'm serious, read it. - Dude, read it. - Seriously, read it. - Read it. --- ## 7. Explain what you think the problem might be. - This shows that you’ve put in effort to solve the problem yourself. - Come up with a list of hypotheses - During this process you might figure out the problem yourself. - Rubber ducking: explain the problem to a rubber duck. --- ## 8. Proofread your question. - Read your question out loud. - Read it again. - Read it again. - Make sure you’ve provided everything that someone would need to answer it --- ## 9. Send updates. - If you figure out the problem yourself, send an update. - When you get an answer back, take time to digest it carefully and fully understand what the person is saying. Keep in mind they might not actually be right. So you need to verify that their solution works. - Thank each person that helped you and remember that they didn’t have to answer your question, but for some reason they wanted to --- Based of Gordon Zhu's article