class: center, middle, inverse # Introducción a la Programación I if Statements --- # Agenda - Conditional - if Statements --- # Introduction - When we code, we often have a set of conditions, and we have to decide which action to take, based on those conditions - With *if* statements, we can evaluate the actual state of our program and respond appropriately to that state --- # A Simple Example ```python age = int(input("Ingrese su edad: ")) if age >= 18: print("Sos mayor de edad :-)") else: print("Sos menor de edad") ``` - This code snippet asks the user for his age and then prints a message stating if he reached the age of majority or not - First, we are going to see what kind of tests we can examine --- # Conditional Tests - At the very center of every *if* statement, we have an expression that can be evaluated as *True* or *False* - Called **conditional test** - If the conditional test: - Evaluates to *True*, the code following it gets **executed** - Evaluates to *False*, the code following it gets **ignored** - Equality ```python >>> city = "Pilar" >>> city == "Pilar" True ``` - Inequality ```python >>> city = "Pilar" >>> city != "Buenos Aires" True ``` - Most of our conditional expressions will test for *equality* but sometimes is more efficient to test for *inequality* --- # Numerical Comparisons - Testing numerical is pretty simple too ```python >>> age = 18 >>> age == 18 True >>> age != 18 False >>> age < 21 True >>> age <= 21 True >>> age > 21 False >>> age >= 21 False ``` - Every one of them can be used as part of an *if* statement --- # Checking Multiple Conditions - Often, we want to check multiple conditions at the same time - Depending on the scenario, we have *and* and *or* keywords - *and* let us check whether two conditions are **both** *True* at the same time - It behaves like Boole's *AND* truth table ```python >>> age_bob = 22 >>> age_alice = 18 >>> age_bob >= 21 and age_alice >= 21 False >>> age_alice = 22 >>> age_bob >= 21 and age_alice >= 21 True ``` - We can use parenthesis to improve readability ```python (age_bob >= 21) and (age_alice >= 21) ``` --- # Checking Multiple Conditions - *or* allows us to check multiple conditions too, but it passes when either or both of the individual tests pass - It behaves like Boole's *OR* truth table ```python >>> age_bob = 22 >>> age_alice = 18 >>> age_bob >= 21 or age_alice >= 21 True >>> age_bob = 18 >>> age_bob >= 21 or age_alice >= 21 False ``` - Boolean Expressions - just another name for conditional tests - We can have Boolean values too, very useful to save programs state or simplify conditional tests. ```python game_active = True can_edit = False ``` --- # Simple if Statements - The simplest one, and general form of an *if*, has one test and one action ```python if
``` - We can put any conditional test in the first line and just about any action in the **indented** block following it - If the conditional evalutes to *True* the block gets executed, if not it gets ignored ```python age = 17 if age >= 16: print("Tenés edad para votar!") ``` - The block of actions can have as many as we want (but **indented**): ```python age = 17 if age >= 16: print("¡Tenés edad para votar!") print("¿Sabés donde?") ``` --- # if-else Statements - Often we have to take an action if the conditional passes and another one if not ```python age = 17 if age >= 16: print("¡Tenés edad para votar!") print("¿Sabés donde?") else: print("¡Sos muy joven para votar!") print("¡Ya vas a poder!") ``` - The *else* keyword is used to mark the block that gets executed if the conditional **not** passes --- # The if-elif-else Chain - Often we have to test more than two possible situations, for that Python has the *if-elif-else* syntax - It runs each conditional test in **order** until one passes - Suppose this example: - Admission for anyone under age 4 is free. - Admission for anyone between the ages of 4 and 18 is $25. - Admission for anyone age 18 or older is $40. - How we can determine the admission fee based on the age of a person? ```python age = 12 if age < 4: print("Your admission cost is $0.") elif age < 18: print("Your admission cost is $25.") else: print("Your admission cost is $40.") ``` ```python "Your admission cost is $25." ``` --- # Using Multiple elif Blocks - We can use as many *elif* blocks as we want - Following the example: - Let's say that anyone 65 or older pays half the regular admission, or $20 ```python age = 12 if age < 4: price = 0 elif age < 18: price = 25 elif age < 65: price = 40 else: price = 20 print(f"Your admission cost is ${price}.") ``` - Pay attention to the **refactor** in this snippet comparing it to the last one --- # Omitting the *else* block - The *else* block is not required at the end of the chain - Sometimes its useful, and sometimes its clearer to use an additional *elif* statement ```python age = 12 if age < 4: price = 0 elif age < 18: price = 25 elif age < 65: price = 40 elif age >= 65: price = 20 print(f"Your admission cost is ${price}.") ``` - The *else* block is a catchall statement - And sometimes we have a specific final condition, in that case, we can consider using one last *elif* statement --- # Testing multiple conditions - The *if-elif-else* is powerful, but only when we need just on test to pass - when one passes, the others get skipped - Sometimes it's important to check **all** the conditions of interest - Example: - We want to know if a number is greater than 10 and if it's an even number ```python number = int(input("Ingrese un número: ")) if number >= 10: print("El número es mayor a 10") if number % 2 == 0: print("El número es par") ```