class: center, middle, inverse # Setup práctica --- ## Github The first step is to create an account on GitHub. []( We will use GitHub to hand-in and code our TPs --- ## Discord Join Discord using this URL. Create an account if you don't have a user. Download the app on a PC or phone. You need to link your github account with discord to join! []( Discord will be our main hub for Prog 1. You can ask questions there and also get notifications from the professors there. --- ## Classroom Once you have our account created, then the final step is to join GitHub Classroom. Join TP 1 -> []( Find your name and link your GitHub user. If you don't find your name, please tell the teacher to add you. --- ## TPs Next class, we will start with TP 1. Hand-in date for this TP is 13/08/2024 till 9 AM. If you didn't submit our TP by this date, you won't be able to do it after. TPs are mandatory in order to have the subject approved. You are required to approved 2 Parciales and all the TPs. Your subject final note, will be the average between all your evaluations (incluiding your make-up exams if applied). Your final TP note will be the sum of all TPs handed in, in time and with the tests running and passing. If any of this criteria doesn't applied, then 1 point out of the sum of TPs will be taken off. You need to hand-in at least 60% of all tps in order to pass the subject. 60% is a 4 in number. If you don't make 60% of the TPs, then you will not pass the subject, even though you had the 2 Parciales approved.